Multi-Rich Lending Corp. lends money to aspiring Overseas Filipino Workers that are facing financial problems. Multi-Rich offers flexible payment terms in order to make the liabilities of workers easier to bare. Aside from that, OFWs are also charged with a low interest so that they will not have to stack up more money to settle their loan. Lastly, Multi-Rich also offers financial coaching to OFWs in order to help the manage their hard-earned money and help them make their work in other countries worthwhile. With all of these services, Multi-Rich will truly be every OFW’s partner in making their dreams a reality.
Flexible Payment Terms
Multi-Rich wants to give our very devout OFWs a chance to earn money for their families here in the Philippines. With the Flexible Payment Terms Multi-Rich offers, their loans are being paid while they are able to maximize their income for the needs of their loved ones.
Low Interest Rates
Multi-Rich desires to be a helping hand to hard working OFWs, that is why Multi-Rich wants to lessen their burden in paying their loan through offering low interest rates. In this manner, they are still able to get a big chunk of their salaries to be a part of their savings.
Financial Coaching
All financing comapanies in the Philippines offer low interest and flexible payment terms. However, no companies, but Multi-Rich, offer financial coaching. As a part of our desire to be your partner in fulfilling your dreams, Multi-Rich offers this mentoring program in order to help OFWs' earning grow and not put to waste.